Master reboot tv tropes
Master reboot tv tropes


The subsequent games Nerf this class severely, though. There is no reason to use anything else when you have unlocked this class (though it requires a bit of a Guide Dang It!). Very high stats all across the board, positive Aptitudes for all stats, very proficient with all weapons, and high mobility. The Majin class from the first Disgaea game.It's entirely possible to have a character max out every class in the game and just pick the one with the most favorable stats to equip permanently, though this would take an extreme amount of Level Grinding. However, spells and skills stay with the character once learned even after subsequent class changes, which can lead to situations like the Mighty Glacier throwing healing spells or the Squishy Wizard launching physical attacks, and doing quite well at both, not to mention the fact that there's a large number of skills that hit a group of enemies or all enemies for decent amounts of damage, aren't affected by stats and cost nothing to use. Dragon Quest VI has a particularly spectacular example in that changing class affects only your stats, while spells and skils are determined by the class's rank, itself depending on the number of battles you've fought.

master reboot tv tropes

A sufficient amount of Level Grinding can yield this in most JRPGs with a Job System, such as Final Fantasy Tactics, Dragon Quest IX, and Blue Dragon.


He swims faster (and the AI can give itself free boosts), he uses skis during the sledding instead of sliding on his belly like the others, and he runs faster than everyone's forward speed by double when running backwards. He not only looks different having a large mouth, constant snot bubble, and permanent look of fatigue on top of not resembling an animal), he also has better speed than everyone. An unlockable character, Hanamizu is just better than everyone else.

  • Everyone in Pen Pen Tri-Icelon works identically and picking between them is a matter of preference.
  • His only (slight) drawback is his size, which makes him a larger-than-average target.


    Minion, the Secret Character in the Twisted Metal games, is usually this, with top-class speed, handling, and armor plus a badass superweapon.


    The original PC release allowed him to be an opponent during races, and his speed effectively guaranteed tha he was unbeatable if the game's difficulty was above Easy.

  • Super Sonic in Sonic R has perfect stats across the board.
  • Fittingly, it's also the vehicle of choice of Darius.
  • The Audi Le Mans quattro in Need for Speed Carbon has all stats nearly or fully maxed out despite being labeled as an Exotic vehicle.
  • The AI compensates for this by cheating like crazy any time this cart is used. Some are better in one stat but lower in the others (Bowser's has the highest top speed, but takes a while to get there).
  • The Golden Kart in Mario Kart: Double Dash!! has the best-combined stats of all vehicles.
  • Spectre from Extreme-G XG2 has all of its stats maxed out.
  • Averted in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, which nerfs the above-mentioned characters for the sake of balance due to the presence of online multiplayer.
  • master reboot tv tropes

    This also applies to the champion bosses in the GBA version. Fitting, considering he's the Big Bad of the adventure mode.

  • In Crash Nitro Kart, Emperor Velo carries on the tradition by having all his stats maxed out.
  • When it comes to the race itself, though, he's often tiered lower than the high-speed-low-handling characters, due to how power-sliding works.
  • In the PAL version of Crash Team Racing, the cheat-only character Penta Penguin has perfect scores in all stats.
  • Both Crash Bandicoot kart racers have one secret character with maxed out stats:.
  • When it comes to head-on collisions, however, the GT always wins out. It only has a 6/10 speed rating, but when it has a beefy 9/10 boost, along with 10/10 strength, smooth handling, control, and excellent drifting and stunt capabilities, the low boostless speed is quickly negated some of the only vehicles that can win against the Nighthawk are the Carson Inferno Van, which can slam it around if it comes close, and the Carson Extreme Hot Rod, which is one of few vehicles with 10/10 boost.
  • The DLC (but only in the non-remastered version) Carson GT Nighthawk in Burnout Paradise.

  • Master reboot tv tropes