This game's version has a new feature called "Recipe Creation Conference", in which team members can be gathered in discussion about creating an item, but the final product's characteristics will vary due to the characters involved. Raw materials can commonly be found in shops, while rarer and uncommon types can be found in combat fields. The player can create weapons, healing items and accessories for use. The traditional Item Creation (IC) returns. For example, Edge has a dash skill which lets the player run faster, Bacchus can mine ores and minerals at mining spots, and Reimi can harvest cooking ingredients and other consumable items from harvest points. On the field, there are several command skills for varied purposes. EXP gained and item drop rates increase with each battle in the ambush.

Ambush Attack: After seemingly defeating all enemies in the encounter, the party immediately runs into another set of enemies in the field and another battle begins.Enemies begin combat with partially filled Rush Gauges and there are commonly more enemies present. Surprise Attack: Enemy runs into a player from behind.
This allows the party to get a free hit before the enemy begins combat.

As combat experience increases, the team can achieve higher BEAT bonuses and unlock Action Upgrades. The BEAT System allows the player to enhance active team members' preferred fighting styles through stat bonuses. Other features include Jumping, and the Blindside system in which the player can evade an enemy's attack and dash behind them, leaving the enemy open to a counterattack by leaving their line of sight.

Each team member can unleash special or preemptive attacks by building up their Rush gauges during normal attacks. The main new feature in battle is the Rush Mode. Both ability types require MP to perform in battle, and through usage of SP, their level increases and get much stronger and damaging. Link Combos can be created by chaining abilities together. In addition to support skills, physical-oriented character can make use of special arts, while spell-oriented characters cast symbols to damage an enemy. This installment returns to having a four player fighting party, but includes the "Real Time Member Change" that allows switching active party members for reserves during battle. The game uses the same real-time battle system as previous games in the series, although with variations.